
Customize carton boxes:
MOQ per order: 500 pcs. MOQ per box size: 100 pcs. You can mix and match with different sizes to meet the quantity of 500 pcs for your order.
If you need logo printing, kindly answer questions and drop us an email/ WhatsApp
1. Logo color: How many colors? What colors?
2. Logo size: What size of the logo do you want?
3. Logo position: Do you want to print your logo at how sizes of the boxes
4. Please send us the original file of your logo and we will get back to you with the best quotation soon.

No mold charge, no printing block charge, no extra charge, no hidden fee.
The final quantity will have a +/-10% difference due to QC failed or no wasted material.
A deposit is needed to confirm this order and is not refundable.
The delivery fee is @29$, within 4-5 weeks after deposit. We will inform you if the shipment arrives early.